MLA Works Cited Format & Examples
Basic Style Guidelines:
- Center the title (Works Cited) at the top of your page
- Set all margins to 1”
- Use Times New Roman 12 font
- Double space the entire document, both between and within entries
- Alphabetize the list by author’s last name OR the first word of the entry (ignore The, A, An)
- Use hanging indentation; after the first line, indent each subsequent line ½” (tab)
- If required by your teacher, web addresses are inside angled brackets (< >) with hyperlinks removed so that the URL/web address appears as regular text
- Dates are listed by day, abbreviated month, year with the exception of May, June, and July.
Works Cited on a Database
Author’s Last Name, First Name Middle Initial or Initial. “Title of Article.” Original Source Title, Number/Volume, Publication date, page(s). Database Title. Medium. Date Accessed. <URL (only if required by teacher)>.
Melikian, Janet. “Cleopatra’s Daughter.” School Library Journal. 56.2, 2010, 137. Ebscohost. Web. 12. Feb. 2010.
Works Cited Only on the Web
Author/Editor/Compiler. "Title of Article." Title of Overall Website. Publisher, sponsor of site, Date of publication (day, month, year or n.d. if none given). Medium. Date of access. <URL (only if required by your teacher)>.
Spinsk, Sarah. "Inside the Teenage Brain: Adolescents and Sleep." Frontline. PBS, 2010. Wed. 5 Mar. 2010.