Food and Nutrition Syllabus
Olympia High School
Course Outline 2017/2018
Ms. Pate
[email protected]
Course Objectives:
Food and Nutrition is a course that provides students with the basic information they will need to make informed and healthful choices about the food they eat. The course will also provide students with basic food preparation skills.
This year-long course includes the basics of nutrition, food science principles, consumer skills, food politics, research skills, critical thinking, and lab-based food preparation techniques.
Materials and Resources:
- Classroom Textbook: Food for Today, Glencoe
- Paper for note taking (spiral notebook is preferred to keep notes together in one place but loose notebook paper will work)
Course Requirements/Grading:
Grades will be based on the total points earned for the semester.
- This includes:
- In-class written assignments, such as textbook chapter notes
- Daily classroom participation points
- Labs, including pre-lab write-ups, appropriate lab conduct, thorough clean-up, and post-lab reflections
- Quizzes, tests, and long-term group and individual projects
The final letter grade will be determined based on the percentage of possible points earned according to the standard scale.
With the exception of excused absences on due dates, late work will be accepted for 50% of the earned credit.
Daily Professionalism Points:
This class is a work preparation course. Regular on-time attendance and mature behavior is a requirement.
Classroom participation and professionalism points will be awarded each week with two points possible per day. Any violation of classroom/ lab rules will automatically result in a zero for the day. Unexcused absences and tardies will also result in a loss of daily points.
Missed Labs and Assignments:
Students may be allowed to make up missed labs without penalty only in the case of an excused absence. Arrangements must be made with instructor.
Unexcused absences will automatically result in a zero for any lab or written assignment, and you will not receive that day’s daily points.
Classroom Expectations:
• Speak and act with respect for others and yourself. Accept other people’s opinions and support the rights of others to express their opinions.
• No degrading or derogatory comments about race, religion, sexuality, socioeconomic status, food preferences, etc. will be tolerated. Any violation of other’s rights as listed in the OSD Student Rights and Responsibility Handbook will receive OHS disciplinary steps including removal from the classroom setting.
• Use acceptable, school-appropriate language. I have personally worked in restaurant kitchens for the past 17 years—if I can watch my language in the classroom, so can you.
• Comply with all kitchen/lab safety and sanitation procedures and rules. Failure to do so could result in immediate removal from the classroom.
• Respect all classroom equipment and resources. Any misuse of classroom resources will result in disciplinary action. This includes all food related products that are used in an inappropriate manner.
• There is zero tolerance for inappropriate physical contact, running, pushing, throwing items, or destruction/defacing of classroom equipment. Any action of this type will result in immediate removal from the classroom/lab environment with appropriate OHS disciplinary steps taken.
Dress code/appearance: When in the lab, all students must adhere to safety and sanitation requirements. This includes but is not limited to: Pulling back long hair, wearing shirts that cover entire midsection, and wearing flat-soled shoes.
Cell Phone/Electronic Device Policy:
Cell phone/iPod use is not permitted during whole-class instruction, class discussions, guest speakers, or while watching videos. Use common sense guidelines for time, place, and manner.
Any non-compliance will result in the loss of daily professionalism points for the day and disciplinary steps if the behavior continues beyond the first warning.