OHS Marching Band 2018
Pride. Courage. Tradition.
Director: Erik Curley [email protected]
Senior Drum Major: Emily Ferguson
Junior Drum Major: Natalie Hammil
Welcome to the Olympia High School Marching Band Program! We are very happy that you have chosen to join our group for what we hope will be a positive, rewarding, and potentially life-changing experience. In the following pages you will find out about who we are and what we value, both on the field and off.
Who We Are
The OHSMB is a volunteer, non-competitive group dedicated to providing students with a quality, well-rounded marching experience. We serve our community through performances at sporting events, parades, assemblies, and school events. Our program is a matter of pride for our community and maintains a high level of responsibility in providing excellent performances. Inside the school, we are a large part of creating a positive culture that is beneficial to all students.
What We Value
As part of the OHSMB you are an ambassador for both our school and for our entire music program. How you act when people are watching, and even more so when they’re not watching, speaks volumes about who you are and who we are. The things you do and the choices you make affect our team greatly- act accordingly.
Commitment and Dedication
We are asking you to make a commitment of your time, energy, and skill. Greatness in any discipline, no matter what, requires sacrifice. Be on time(early) to rehearsals, be prepared for performances, and be in communication with your team when conflicts arise. Performances are mandatory.
Musicianship and Teamwork
Our program puts a premium on musical ability, both individually and as an ensemble. We are interested in people who not only push themselves to improve on their instrument, but motivate others and raise the level of the group. Can you work well with others? Are you willing to put the groups’ needs ahead of your own? Treat each other with respect. When one of us improves, we all sound better for it. When we perform, we do it as a group!
Knowing your individual part ahead of time is crucial for the group to make any kind of progress. If we are spending rehearsal time fixing simple errors the enjoyment level for everyone decreases. Practice is where you learn your part. Rehearsal is where you learn everyone else’s. Make a schedule, put in the time, and practice until you can’t get it wrong. This will allow you to perform with a high level of skill and confidence, and a low level of stress. Put in the time- it’s worth it!
By joining the OHSMB and attending 80% of rehearsals and performances, students will receive their school letter.
Work Ethic and Attitude
By joining the OHSMB you are embracing a way of life. You need to work hard in order to make yourself the best musician possible. There are no shortcuts. Work hard at every task presented to you. Be the musician who demands greatness. Be the superfan who cheers loud. Be the person who lifts up those around them and asks for “one more rep!”
Welcome to the Band FamOly!
Go Bears!
Marching Band Performance Calendar Fall 2018
Monday, August 20th - 24th - MARCHING BAND CAMP @OHS - 9AM-5PM
Friday, August 31st - FRESHMAN ORIENTATION - 9AM @OHS
Friday, August 31st - “HOME OPENER” FOOTBALL - 4PM
Friday, September 14th - HOME FOOTBALL - 4PM
Friday, September 28th - “HOMECOMING” HOME FOOTBALL - 4PM
Wednesday, October 10th - HOME VOLLEYBALL - 6PM
Friday, October 19th - “SENIOR NIGHT” HOME FOOTBALL - 4PM
Monday, October 22nd - HOME VOLLEYBALL - 6PM