Seniors: Due to our grading periods and everything that goes into finalizing your transcript, FINAL TRANSCRIPTS will be sent out on July 12, 2023 (not beforehand, we are unable to provide them to anyone) If you need a current grades from the current semester & they are not on your transcripts yet it would be processed through Skyward & your Counselor.
Should you need a progress report for your college please contact your Counselor directly.
How to request your final transcript:
In your Naviance account, please set your attending college and request your final transcript to be sent to that school.
- Go to Colleges
- Click - Colleges I'm Applying To
- Click - EDIT for the school you want to set as your attending college
- Check the box for I've submitted my application (if you haven't done this already)
- Under Result, Click the down arrow and click the status of that application (Accepted)
- Click Save College Application - this will close that screen and take you back to the Colleges I'm Applying To screen
- Check the box for Final
- Under Where are you sending the transcript/s, Click the down arrow
- Check the box for the college you want to send your final transcript to
- Click DONE
- Click Request and Finish
View the video here if you need help