New to OHS? Welcome!
Students living in the Olympia High School attendance boundaries and currently enrolled in one of our feeder middle schools will automatically "roll up" to Olympia High School. Students coming from any other school or living outside of the Olympia High School attendance boundaries and wanting to enroll at Olympia High School should visit the Olympia School District Enrollment webpage (click here). This webpage also has a link to look up school boundaries.
We look forward to working with you in the 2025-26 school year!
If you have enrollment questions please contact our Counseling Center Admin Assistant by email at [email protected] or calling (360) 596-7004.
Showcase is on Friday, March 21st, 2025 during Bear Time. During this time teachers share information about classes to help students make selections for next school year. Students choose three presentations to attend.
2025-26 Course Requests for Current OSD Students
Class of 2026
Counselors are meeting with Junior students Feb 3rd th - 7th, 2025 in their Junior English classes. Each student will receive their transcript and a course request form for next school year.
If you missed attending these meetings, please come to the Counseling Center to pick up paperwork.
Juniors are expected to verify their transcript for accuracy and fill out the Senior Course Request form. Then they should schedule a meeting with their counselor to request their Senior courses (students need to bring their filled-out blue course request form to the meeting). Students may use Calendly to schedule meetings with counselors (click here for Counselors' Calendly links, shown to the right of their pictures). All Juniors should make the appointment with their counselor by March 28th.
Class of 2027
Sophomores will watch a registration video during Homeroom on 3/19/25. Course requests forms and transcripts will also be handed out.
Sophomores will attend Showcase on 3/08/24 during Bear Time and will enter their course requests via Skyward in Homeroom on 3/13/24 and 03/20/24. Students may enter their 2024-25 course requests through March 27, 2024 at 4pm.
Class of 2027
Freshmen will watch a registration video during Homeroom on 3/06/24. Course requests forms and transcripts will also be handed out.
Freshmen will attend Showcase on 3/08/24 during Bear Time and will enter their course requests via Skyward in Homeroom on 3/13/24 and 3/20/25.
Students may enter their 2024-25 course requests through March 27, 2024 at 4pm.
Class of 2028 - Welcome! Please click here: OHS / Counseling / Middle School Transition.
Please update any changes in Skyward Family Access if necessary.
To fill out any of these forms electronically, download/save the fillable PDF forms before entering any of your information. If you complete the forms in a browser window (i.e. Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer) and then save them to your computer, the information which you entered may not be saved. Simply download the form first, then fill it out electronically, then save. This will assure all your information entered is included in the completed form.
Email completed forms to
[email protected]
Questions? Contact our Enrollment and Counseling Admin Assistant at (360) 596-7004.